La historia de las
matemáticas es el área de estudio de investigaciones sobre los orígenes de
descubrimientos en matemáticas, de los métodos de la evolución de sus conceptos
y también en cierto grado, de los matemáticos involucrados. Es por ello que a
continuación presentaremos una serie de reseñas en las que mostraremos de
manera general los aportes que estas civilizaciones realizaron para que se
llevara a cabo al trascurrir del tiempo el desarrollo de las matemáticas.
Las matemáticas
babilónicas hacen referencia a las matemáticas desarrolladas en Mesopotamia, el
actual Irak, desde los días de los primeros sumerios, hasta el inicio del
periodo helenístico. Se llaman matemáticas babilónicas debido al papel central
de Babilonia como lugar de estudio, que dejó de existir durante el periodo
Las matemáticas en
el Antiguo Egipto se refieren a las matemáticas escritas en las lenguas
egipcias. Desde el periodo helenístico, el griego sustituyó al egipcio como el
lenguaje escrito de los escolares egipcios y desde ese momento las matemáticas
egipcias se fundieron con las griegas y babilónicas para dar lugar a la
matemática helénica. El estudio de las matemáticas en Egipto continuó más tarde
bajo el influjo árabe como parte de las matemáticas islámicas, cuando el árabe
se convirtió en el lenguaje escrito de los escolares egipcios.
Los registros más
antiguos existentes de la India son los Sulba Sutras (datados de
aproximadamente entre el siglo VIII a.C. y II d.C)1, apéndices de textos religiosos con reglas simples
para construir altares de formas diversas, como cuadrados, rectángulos,
paralelogramos y otros2.
Al igual que con Egipto, las preocupaciones por las funciones del templo señala
un origen de las matemáticas en rituales religiosos.
Las matemáticas griegas
hacen referencia a las matemáticas escritas en griego desde el 600 a. C. hasta
el 300 d. C.3 Los
matemáticos griegos vivían en ciudades dispersas a lo largo del Mediterráneo
Oriental, desde Italia hasta el Norte de África, pero estaban unidas por un lenguaje
y una cultura comunes. Las matemáticas griegas del periodo siguiente a
Alejandro Magno se llaman en ocasiones Matemáticas helenísticas.
The history of mathematics is the area of study of research on the origins of discoveries in mathematics, the methods of evolution of its concepts and also to some degree, the mathematicians involved. That is why we will present below a series of reviews in which we will show in a general way the contributions that these civilizations made to take place over the course of time the development of mathematics.
Babylonian mathematics refers to the mathematics developed in Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq, from the days of the first Sumerians to the beginning of the Hellenistic period. They are called Babylonian mathematics due to the central role of Babylon as a place of study, which ceased to exist during the Hellenistic period.
Mathematics in Ancient Egypt refers to mathematics written in the Egyptian languages. From the Hellenistic period, Greek replaced the Egyptian as the written language of Egyptian scholars and from that time Egyptian mathematics merged with the Greek and Babylonian to give rise to Hellenic mathematics. The study of mathematics in Egypt continued later under the Arab influence as part of Islamic mathematics, when Arabic became the written language of Egyptian scholars.
The oldest extant records of India are the Sulba Sutras (dating from about the 8th century BC to the 2nd century AD), 1 appendices of religious texts with simple rules for constructing altars of various forms, such as squares, rectangles, parallelograms, and others. As with Egypt, concerns about temple functions point to an origin of mathematics in religious rituals.
Greek mathematics refers to mathematics written in Greek from 600 BC. C. up to 300 d. C.3 Greek mathematicians lived in scattered cities along the Eastern Mediterranean, from Italy to North Africa, but were united by common language and culture. The Greek mathematics of the period following Alexander the Great are sometimes called Hellenistic Mathematics.
The history of mathematics is the area of study of research on the origins of discoveries in mathematics, the methods of evolution of its concepts and also to some degree, the mathematicians involved. That is why we will present below a series of reviews in which we will show in a general way the contributions that these civilizations made to take place over the course of time the development of mathematics.
Babylonian mathematics refers to the mathematics developed in Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq, from the days of the first Sumerians to the beginning of the Hellenistic period. They are called Babylonian mathematics due to the central role of Babylon as a place of study, which ceased to exist during the Hellenistic period.
Mathematics in Ancient Egypt refers to mathematics written in the Egyptian languages. From the Hellenistic period, Greek replaced the Egyptian as the written language of Egyptian scholars and from that time Egyptian mathematics merged with the Greek and Babylonian to give rise to Hellenic mathematics. The study of mathematics in Egypt continued later under the Arab influence as part of Islamic mathematics, when Arabic became the written language of Egyptian scholars.
The oldest extant records of India are the Sulba Sutras (dating from about the 8th century BC to the 2nd century AD), 1 appendices of religious texts with simple rules for constructing altars of various forms, such as squares, rectangles, parallelograms, and others. As with Egypt, concerns about temple functions point to an origin of mathematics in religious rituals.
Greek mathematics refers to mathematics written in Greek from 600 BC. C. up to 300 d. C.3 Greek mathematicians lived in scattered cities along the Eastern Mediterranean, from Italy to North Africa, but were united by common language and culture. The Greek mathematics of the period following Alexander the Great are sometimes called Hellenistic Mathematics.
Un muy buen diseño y han tenido en cuenta los requerimientos para la elaboración del blog de modo que es un buen trabajo.
ResponderEliminarel blog, esta bien estructurado.. tienen una organización precisa que facilita la navegación en el mismo... el manejar ingles y español le da un grado de interés por parte de personas que manejan otro idioma... los felicito... muy hermoso y organizado trabajo..